Money Related Problems Like High Expenditure, Rare Source of Income, More Hard work and less Profit, Money Stability, Saving of Money etc. All these Problems is analysis with the help of a lagan chart, in that chart we analysis the 2nd House Rashi, their Degree and their Lord. Money is not everything; but yet its importance cannot be denied mere its being secondary to many other important aspects of our life.
Financial solvency is also one of the major ways to judge success and potential of our personality. On a broader note, there are two types of finance or wealth; one is inherited and the other is accommodated.
In both cases, one has to be very alert, careful and studious enough to maintain and/or generate required finance or money for fulfillment of basic necessities of life. It is not just your profession or business; the financial problems do cast significant influence on your personality, health, relationships and performance. A person, who is not being rewarded for his efforts and fails to solve financial problems, may suffer from depression, disturbed relationships and may even get addicted to vices. Vedic astrology readings of your horoscope are quite helpful in this regard.
I whole heartedly recommend Mr.Jatinder ji to be the family astrologer of anyone seeking to understand one self and the occurrences in their life.
I am deeply grateful and humbled that Mr.Jatinder ji so gracefully arranged a very important Pooja on my behalf. Not only my astrologer, he has reached out to me as a friend in times of great need, and supported me when I needed it most.
Mr.Jatinder ji astrologer is different from other astrologers. He gave me accurate predictions about my daughters studies and profession.He also tells some simple remedies which give me powerful results.
Hii, I am greatly moved by the wisdom of Mr.Jatinder ji. He has guided me in a way that my perspective of life is completely changed. May God Bless him always.