AstroAdvice provides you best psychometric test which focus on different areas like SKILSS , APTITUDE, INTEREST etc . And assess you present mental stage of taking decisions . it can also be determine SWOT (Strengths -Weakness -Opportunity-Threats ) analysis of an individual. This is very perfect test for MATCH MAKING for couples , selection of right CANDIDATE for appropriate job , for taking INTERVIEW of any king of corporate job . This also called carrier assessment test is merely a tool used by carrier counsellors to determine the best fit carrier option for individuals .
Psychometric Test test can help an individual determine what you love doing and what you are good at. In other words, a career assessment test is a wonderful tool to determine a career option which matches your interests and strengths. Most of us are not aware of the fact that what we are good at or what kind of work profile will suit us the best. A career assessment test can help us get rid of this confusion. The strengths, aptitude and interests of an individual can be mapped with the best fit career options and can help an individual move on the right career track.
It is a proven fact that if we are working in our comfort zones, with less effort we can achieve more. However, we have witnessed that a lot of individuals tend to switch their careers even at a mid-age due to lack of work-job satisfaction or they are not happy with the kind of work profile, they are made to work. Even at a young age, there is a constant rise in the number of students dropping out from their course or college due to the realization that they have opted for a wrong course and they wish to do something different in life. A lot of time, money and resources are spent on irrelevant courses. A career assessment test can be a revolutionary tool in avoiding all this and can help an individual choose the right career path.
A career assessment test is used to determine interest and ability of an individual. These interests can be inborn as well as acquired. Where most of the organizations focus only on the acquired intelligence-based career assessment test, Mindgroom career assessment test is based on both Inborn and Acquired Intelligence. Let us acknowledge and accept the fact that acquired intelligence keeps on changing with time. If we rely just on acquired intelligence, we can’t arrive at a reliable career option. In contrast, inborn skills are life long and we can’t ignore the assessment of these skills while choosing the right career path. Mindgroom leverages on this fact and provides an excellent career assessment toll which is a combination of innate (Inborn) and acquired intelligence. Considering these facts, we can say that Mindgroom provides best career assessment test.
Psychometric Test is an important tool for career selection. It provides a ground on the basis of which, one can select the right career path, inline with the strengths, ability, aptitude and interests. In case an individual selects a career without understanding these aspects, there is high probability that he/she may realize at a later stage that the selected career was not the right choice. It’s just hit and trial or trying to hit the bull’s eye in the dark. You may hit or miss the target. Would you like to play with the most important aspect of your life i.e., Career? Definitely not! Hence Psychometric Test is an important tool, which can help you choose a definite career path which leads to success.